C-UAS Day : Breakthrough technologies for a safer world


On May 15 2025, the Royal Military Academy, the Free University of Brussels and ID2Move are organizing the third edition of their C-UAS day in Nivelles, Belgium !

We will welcome 15 speakers from around the world, 20+ exhibitors and 100+ attendees around the topic “Breakthrough technologies for a safer world”.

The day will be divided in 3 parts:

  • Successful European projects
  • Case studies
  • Solutions punctuated by networking breaks.

Registration below


The ticket price is 175€ HTVA.
This amount will be invoiced after your booking.

You will be asked to fill in the necessary information in the following step.
Please provide everything we need to properly invoice the amount.

Any questions ? Please reach out to  Mrs Shirley Wayne (shirley-joelle.wayne@ulb.be)

Become a partner or exhibitor

Interested in showcasing your products, your company or services ? Would you want to add visibility to this event and become a partner ?
Reach out to Emilien Watelet :

More information below


Please find the C-UAS program below which will be updated as soon as possible.

You can also download it here : C-UAS_Program

CUAS Program


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